Let's Begin!

About Me

Hi there 😊! I am Teo Kai Xiang (otherwise known by my online names as Tkai or Tkaixiang). I enjoy anything technology related, and have been mainly focusing on Web/App Development & Cybersecurity recently.

You might see me take part in local Hackathons and CTFs, do say hi if you do ✋!
You can find a list of stuff I have worked with below this, as well as a Showcase of projects I worked on further down the page.

Proficiency & Skills

Front-End Development

Back-End Development

Languages I am Comfortable In



Reverse Engineering




Initiated and developed the front-end + backend for Parkaholic.sg, a carpark finder application available on iOS, Android & Web. The app provides a convenient all-in-one place to view carpark data from various government agencies such as Carpark Entrances, Live Carpark Availability, Carpark Rates and more!

Technologies Used: ReactJS, Express, MongoDB, Flask, SQLite3, AntD UI Library, Nginx

Sieberrsec CTF Platform

Initiated and developed the front-end + backend for Sieberrsec CTF Platform, a CTF training platform with neat features that aid in learning and training.

Technologies Used: ReactJS, Fastify, MongoDB, AntD UI Library, Nginx, Postfix for SMTP server

My CTF Writeups

You can find the writeups my team (Sieberrsec) and I wrote for various CTFs by clicking on this fancy card!

Technologies Used: Brain & Pain


Developed the front-end for Exegesis, an innovative E-Learning platform.
This was made in roughly 2 days for the NTU SCSE Hackathon and was awarded the Technopreneurship Award (Special Mention)

Technologies Used: ReactJS, Express, MongoDB, AntD UI Library, Nginx


Developed Microbform, an interactive, humorous and entertaining game that follows the adventures of a microbe with social anxiety. This game aimed to provide life through the lens of someone with social anxiety.
This was made in roughly 24 hours for the Mindfulhacks Hackathon

Technologies Used: Godot Engine


Developed buidIT which aimed to gamify the learning of environmental conservation
This was made for the 2017 Singapore Games Creation Competition and was awarded 1st runner-up

Technologies Used: Unity 3D